Katrelia was born on May 14th, 1961 to Fay Daphne Angus and John Angus. She was a writer and lecturer on mythopoeic themes, particularly the works of J.R.R.Tolkien and C.S.Lewis. She was also an avid belly dancer. She died on 24 August, 2023. Her dancing will be missed at Mary's Market in Sierra Madre this Christmas.
Testimony and additional material anyone might wish to contribute will
be welcome. Contact Andrew Grygus
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Testimony - Tanya Cabot
Her eloquent demeanor and vocabulary was quite inviting. Of course we sat together and though we were of very different cultural backgrounds, we learned we had almost everything in common. From our love of belly dancing to the creative arts, literature, and our infatuation with Shakespeare ... our time at her poolside, with a bottle of wine between us, would easily convince one we had died and gone to heaven. She was as eccentric as she was romantic. Her love of the Elizabethan Era was unsurpassed. She truly was a Renaissance woman who selflessly loved all of God's creatures, human or otherwise. A self-professed opossum whisperer ... while her heart was in the right place ... she was neither equipped nor prepared for a task of raising and taming the opossum shrews. Katrelya's accomplishments were as unique as the depth of her character: passionate, compassionate, creative, selfless and kind-hearted to name a few. Some of her credits include volunteer work relating to nature and saving wildlife, especially in Sierra Madre. She was also vocal about clean water and water conservation, and often spoke at Sierra Madre board meetings defending historical preservation.
Creatively, and whenever the opportunity arose, she enjoyed the theatre and was an avid volunteer at the Sierra Madre Playhouse. She was also a member of the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and contributed to article writing for them as well as other establishments. She adored C.S. Lewis and admired Tolkien, and spoke fondly of Merlin as though he were right there with her ... and in her mind, perhaps he was... She graduated Pitzer College and briefly studied abroad in both Cambridge and Oxford, where she was seemingly robbed of a Master's Degree on account of one ugly female professor whose name escapes me now. Speaking of ugly, because of my lack of adequate English on account of my being an immigrant, one specific thing Katrelya helped me learn is that all words ending in LY are adverbs, except for ugly. Ugly is an adjective. An adjective I would definitely never use when describing someone as exotic as Katrelya. Due to her accomplishments, her dedication and patience allowed her the proper tools to teach: Namely unconditional love. She had also delved into her work at the Renaissance Fair, that is until she realized Fair snobs refused to use faux fur for their fashionable creations, and poor opossum rat babies were losing their lives for the sake of someone else's vanity in the form of warm and fuzzy medieval-style threads. It truly broke her heart to part ways in such a fashion... For all her earthly qualities, she certainly was outer-worldly. She seemed most comfortable imagining herself in the Golden Age. She carried herself in the utmost regal manner ... as though she were Queen Guinevere reborn, especially at Halloween ... her favorite holiday next to Christmas, where a season of fellowship and socializing commenced. She was cultured, well educated and well traveled. And as she made her way through England, she hob knobbed with the greats, on one occasion including at Blenheim Castle ... a personal invitation extended by Douglas Lewis, to an event honoring his late father, C.S. Lewis. She was also well acquainted with Alice Cooper, the musician, via her grade school friend, Sheryl Goddard, who is his wife. All her unique experiences are incomparable to the allure hidden behind her Irish greens, yet, were unable to veil her innocence and child-like sense of humor. She meant the world to her parents Fay and John, as well as her brother Ian who always stood by her side regardless if his good intentions she most often misconstrued. Head strong and sentimental, she'd grant one the time to be heard, but most likely would cut them down because she planned to do exactly what she had initially intended anyway. It was this trait that may have been her demise, as those who attempted to help or guide her to a better path were alienated. Since her mother Fay passed away, it had become a sad revelation that Katrelya was unable to fully live independently and did not admit to or allow any assistance for better management of some areas of her life. Unfortunately, it is with a heavy heart I share that in the past two years, Katrelya also alienated me for suggesting better maintenance of her being. I can only hope that she didn't suffer. I am sure she is in heaven wearing an exquisite Elizabethan gown with a pint of Guinness or a glass of the finest port at hand, as well as belly dancing her nights away and is then swiftly swept up by her Knight in shining armor... May you rest in peace, my friend.
Sincerely and with much love, your friend always Tanya Monique Cabot Testimony - Bon Callihan
1983. A Science/Fantasy conference at Scripps College hosted by my ex spouse Glen GoodKnight, founder of the Mythopoeic Society.Somehow I fell into chat with a lushly costumed young lady of 23, perhaps at a cafeteria table or in the aftermath of a panel discussion. A languid manner, at times intense, paired with a fine intellect. Katrelya Angus. After that event, my spouse Tim and I were connected. She invited us to her prosperous home near Pasadena for holidays! Sierra Madre. Her brilliant highly achieving parents. Their circles of brilliant friends. Later I discovered that she had joined the Society for Creative Anachronisms (founded by Diana Paxson and her colleagues whom I had met in said Mythopoeic Gp) and had also met an earlier member of the Mythopoeics, Jon Lackey. He had brought Katrelya into the SCA. I had met him in 1970 via Glen's group, but had lost touch. Somehow Jon and Katrelya had developed an engaging friendship and even love. Katrelya and I learned more of one another, about her love of small vulnerable creatures that she strived to save. Hamsters, Guinea pigs, and finally, Possums. Her struggles with Academia... how she had been denied the awarding of her Masters degree. Despite her high intelligence she suffered from some undiagnosed intellectual disability that was attributed, by her mother, to the possibility that an umbilical cord choking her at birth, may have contributed to her lifelong mental peculiarities. No way to know. It highly resembled Autism in some ways. Despite her inner turmoils, she always strove to present an upbeat self image, sometimes to excess when it came to certain aspects...always wanting to be sexy. But who cares now anyway? I knew her well enough that she divulged her deepest sufferings to me in the 40 years of friendship we shared. Many were rough. I say now...nothing to forgive. A most complex and intriguing individual who plainly marked many in our hearts. Respectfully, Bon GoodKnight Callahan Testimony - Michael N (Dr Bud) Budincich
She was very eccentric, a solid REAL sold out Hippie, and a brilliant writer, and literary expert, all rolled into one. She slept with her pet opossums, and everyone in Sierra madre CA would bring her orphaned babies to be raised as her adopted children. She called them her "possies" as for her they were like her children. Her belly dancing was exotic, and elegant when she was younger, but danced on unabashedly into middle age with failing health, and a few extra rolls on the waist. You could not tell her she was no longer sexy on the two mile long Sierra Madre parade route, and the cheers turned to laughter as she danced on "too long" and when women are at grandmother age. Still she loved it and danced on, oblivious to the embarrassment she was causing herself. Getting "hammered" at the 4th of July SM Park beer garden, and at Lucky Baldwins were favorite pastimes of hers. She was brilliant as a medical Transcriptionist. Her vocabulary surpassed most doctors, attorneys, and writers. She was well educated and gifted in so many ways. But as her good friend posted earlier, stubborn to take advice on things of practicality and better health and finances. We had less interactions the past 10-15 years, but ran into her on Kirsting Court frequently. We both lived in and loved Sierra Madre. She continued health care with an associate of mine, who had branched off to start his own practice. Her uniqueness will be missed. Michael N (Dr Bud) Budincich
Testimony - Andrew Grygus
How I later became associated with Katrelia's life I do not remember. From Jon's derision of me, she knew of me and she considered me a fellow victim. Due to the decline and termination of their formerly intense relationship, she described Jon as "my ex". I had never considered myself a victim of Jon, but let that ride as she seemed to consider it important. I completely agree with the testimonies by Tanya and Bon as to her high intelligence, artistry. and enthusiasm. I had many conversations with her about many subjects, including the somewhat unusual Christianity to which she was strongly devoted. She was, however, completely open to the beliefs of others, and that I was Pagan she accepted without comment. Katrelia would have little get-togethers for various Christian and national dates and holidays, and I was always invited. I attended nearly all, and was sometimes the only person who did attend. These were generally quite pleasant, and she served food that was very good - she was a skilled cook. Of couse, she always insisted on doing some belly dancing during each event. She also always invited me to Mary's Market on Christmas Day where she belly danced to Christmas music. I took photos of her dancing for several years. An example is Katrelia at Mary's, December 25, 2015. Katrelia really could have benifited from assistance with housekeeping and other matters, but interpreted offers to help as severe criticisom, banishing several persons from her life for trying to help. I was able to play a part in reconciling her with one couple who had been banished for some years. This was an important relationship that was re-established. I was never banished because I didn't offer any assistance with her life, or criticism - except once. I told her flat out, "You are letting possums destroy your life". Her response was, "I love my Possums". Katrelia was highly suspicious of doctors and medications. She had serious arthritus in her knees which affected her belly dancing. I suggested chicken sternum cartilage which had certainly helped my knees, but she was vegetarian (except for fish) and would not use an animal product. She medicated her pain instead with wine and brandy. I could tell at her little gatherings that her health was declining some, but she faced it bravely and with cheerfulness. Her untimely death came as quite a surprise. I definitely miss her artistic enthusiasm. Andrew Grygus |