Dish of Beef Dry Curry
(click to enlarge)

Beef Rendang

Indonesia, Padang   -   Rendang Daging

2 #
4 hrs
Long cooking, but durable, this dish can be made days ahead and improves with reheating. It can be served at room temperature as an appetizer. In Indonesia it is often made in quantity and served over several days.






Beef lean (1)
-- Bumbu Paste
Galangal (2)
Ginger root
Lemon Grass
Chili, red (3)
Peppercorns blk
-- Finish
Coconut Cream (4)  
Makrut Leaf (5)
Salam Leaf (6)
Turmeric Leaf (7)
Cinnamon Stick
Palm Sugar
-- Garnish

Bumbu Paste   -   (1-1/4 hrs)
  1. Slice GALANGAL thin and chop small. Slice GINGER thin and chop small. Strip tough outer leaves from LEMON GRASS, cut off white 1/3 and crush it, then slice crosswise fine.
  2. Cut SHALLOTS in half lengthwise and slice crosswise thin. Crush GARLIC and chop fine. Remove seed mass from Chilis and chop small.
  3. Grind all Bumbu items to a moderately coarse paste, starting with Galangal and working down the list. I use an Indian Mixie with the small but a good food processor will work - you may need a little of the Coconut Cream to keep it grinding - or you can spend an hour scrubbing with an Indonesian style mortar and pestle.
Prep   -   (10 min)
  1. Cut BEEF into bite size chunks.
  2. Bruise MAKRUT LEAVES.
Run   -   (2-1/2 hrs)
  1. In a wok, Heat OIL over moderately high heat and fry Bumbo Paste stirring until fragrant.
  2. Stir in Beef and all Finish items. Bring to a boil stirring constantly. Reduce the heat to a medium simmer uncovered stirring often and scraping up the pan until you start to get browning on the pan. This should be 45 min to 1 hr.
  3. Reduce the heat to low and continue simmering stirring often and scraping up the pan until total simmering time is 2 hrs. If it's getting too dry before the 2 hours are up, stir in some boiled water.
  4. As it approaches 2 hours, it should be getting dry and oil may have started to separate from the Coconut cream. Keep the heat on low tumbling and scraping often until the meat has become dry and quite dark. This should be 30 minutes or a little more, then remove from heat.
  5. Serve warm or at room temperature.
  1. Beef:

      Tougher cuts such as Round will work fine here.
  2. Galangal

      This relative of ginger imparts a unique flavor to Southeast Asian soups and stews. Fresh is best but frozen is fine - dried and powdered not so much. If you don't have it, use fresh Ginger Root - not at all the same, but something. This root is hard as a board, so it takes strength to deal with. For details see our Galangal page.
  3. Chili, Fresh Red:

      Around here we all use Red Ripe Fresnos, but other medium hot red chilis, such as Holland Red will work. For details see our Thai / Asian Chilis page.
  4. Coconut Cream

      There are several good brands from Thailand available in Asian markets or on-line. Two boxes of the one I use don't quite make 2 cups, so I add an 8oz can of Aroy-D Coconut Milk which has plenty of Cream. You can also make this recipe with 4 cups of a good thick Coconut Milk, like Aroy-D. Non-Thai brands are often disappointing.
  5. Makrut (Kaffir) Lime Leaves:

      These come 2 leaves to a stem, so this recipe needs 2 stems (unless one of the leaves on your stems is quite small). For details see our Makrut Lime page. If you don't have them, grate the zest of a lime.
  6. Salam Leaf:

      (Daun Salam) These can be had dried on-line and in some Asian markets. Despite what many recipes say, regular Bay Leaves are not a good substitute. Better to add a couple extra Makrut leaves, or some Curry leaves, or leave them out. unique to Indonesian and Malaysian cooking. The nearest substitute is Curry Leaf, but it's not real close. For details see our Daun Salam page.
  7. Turmeric Leaf:

      Even I don't have this, and the roots in the produce markets have been treated so they don't sprout. I'll have to get some untreated roots. No substitute, so just leave them out.

      The amount of the other ingredients will support up to 3-1/2 pounds of beef. This was probably originally a method for preserving Beef or Buffalo. Originating from Padang in western Sumatra, it is now made all over Indonesia, and is one of the country's most famous dishes. Rendangs are also made with other ingredients, but beef is the most common. After making this recipe your wok will need a long soak. I put in water and Comet Cleanser and leave it on the stove at just below a simmer.
  9. U.S. measure: t=teaspoon, T=Tablespoon, c=cup, qt=quart, oz=ounce, #=pound, cl=clove in=inch, ar=as required tt=to taste
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