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Our recipes reflect Euro-American practice of relatively few dishes served as separate courses. We expect most English language readers will adapt ethnic recipes to this style of service so we portion them appropriately.

Interpretation Notes

  -   See

Interpreting Our Recipes

for more detail.
  • Portions:

      (approximate) Soup serving, 1 cup; Main Dish Soup, 2 cups; Main Dish w/rice 7 ounces.
  • Effort Codes:

      * Dead easy, ** Quite easy, *** Routine, **** More Effort, ***** Heroic, # Beware!
  • Measures & Conversions

    :   all measures are U.S. standard unless stated in metric units (rare). t=teaspoon, T=Tablespoon, c=cup, qt=quart, oz=ounce, #=pound, cl=clove in=inch
  • Abbreviations:

      tt=to taste, ar=as required, sml=small, med="medium", lrg=large.
  • Diet codes:

      v=Vegetarian (strict), ol=Ovo Lacto Vegetarian (eggs and/or dairy), fv=minor seafood (usually fish sauce), f=Fish &/or Shellfish, sv=Satvic Vegetarian, mv=Can be Made Vegetarian, vm=Can be non-Vegetarian.
  • Chili-hot codes:

      0=none, 1= detectable, 2=mild, 3=moderately spicy, 4=very spicy, 5=incindiary, +=feel free to make it even hotter. All levels are based on Southern California practice.
  • Bibliography & Sources

      -   See index code at bottom of each recipe.

Breakfast - Brunch & Light Lunch

Appetizers & Snacks

I refuse to call them "starters" - a starter is a big greasy lump of iron with a gear on the end. They're "Appetizers" if served at the dinner table, Hors d'Oeuvres if presented on a silver platter by a young lady in a scanty French maid outfit (and Horse-overs if you can't afford the maid). If you're Russian they're Zakuska, Zakaski if you're Polish and Mezes if you're Greek. If they're served covering glasses of Spanish wine they're Tapas, and if they accompany a Korean meal they are Banchan. There's also the fine old English term, "Whets", from the word "whet" meaning "sharpen".



Soups & Light Stews

Pasta Dishes

  -   See also

Pasta Sauces

In Italy, with a few exceptions, pasta dishes are served as a separate course interchangeable with a soup course (never both at one meal) and is sauced fairly lightly. In North America pasta is generally served as a main course and sauced more heavily, often more heavily than it should be.

Side Dishes - Lunches - Light Main Dishes

Also check the Asian sections as many Asian dishes, particularly the vegetable ones, make good side dishes within a Western menu.

Main Dishes

These dishes are the featues in Euro/American style service. Consider also dishes from the Pasta and Asian Dishes sections. While they would be served differently in their native lands they are commonly served in larger portions as main dishes in North American practice. We include the Philippines in this section because they have been under European control for so long their cuisines and table service are more Western than Asian.

Asian Main Dishes

Here we include East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia. We exclude Persia and "The Stans" (except Pakistan) because their cuisines are much more like Western cuisines than like China and India (though they are influenced by both those regions).

In South, East and Southeast Asia, these would all be served as side dishes to accompany the main dish of rice, bread or noodles, and there would be several of them. Our recipes generally presume Western service where we have just a couple dishes, which are in larger quantity and equal in importance to the rice, bread or noodles - see Western Adoption of Asian Food.

Listed here are Asian recipes that can be considered "Main Dishes" in Western service. Those that will serve as Appetizers, Salads or Side Dishes compatible with Western service are in those sections, not here. These recipes are divided into three regions. In general dishes can be freely intermingled within a region but generally not across regions. Refer also to our Recipes by Region index.

South Asia

  (India, Sri Lanka, Pakastan Bangladesh and Himalayas)

East Asia

  (China, Korea, Japan)

Main Dishes - Southeast Asia

We exclude the Philippines, which have been controled by Europeans and Americans for so long their cuisine and table service are more Western than Asian, but uniquely Philippine.


Breads, Dumplings, & Baked Goods


  • Caipirinha - (Brazil) Brazil's national cocktail, Cachaça and Limes.[v0]
  • Kvass - (Slavic, Baltic etc.) a very traditional fermented beverage.
  • Margarita, "Original" - (Mexico) the premier cocktail of Mexico, origin and details.[v0]
  • Maté - (South America) favorite beverages in the Southern Cone.[v0]
  • Pennywort Drink - (SE Asia) a refreshing chilled tonic drink. [v]
  • Pisco Sour Rica Rica - (Chile) a very popular cocktail, also without rica rica.[0v]
  • Sweet Tea - (USA / Indonesia) popular non-alcoholic beverage in USA South & Indonesia.[v0]


Pasta Sauces


  -   See also

Pasta Sauces

Garnishes & Toppings

Salad Dressings

Condiments, Dips / Spreads, & Dressings

Spreads & Sprinkles

Pickles, Brines & Ferments

Spice Mixes, Pastes & Seasonings

Stocks, Broths & Cooked Meats


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